Pond Life, 2nd Ed

A Folding Pocket Guide to Familiar Plants & Animals Living in or Near Ponds, Lakes & Wetlands

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An important note about pricing. In 2024, Waterford Press began implementing the first price increase since 2016. This change will affect only folding pocket guides priced at $7.95 at this time. The new retail price, at $8.95, is on par with other guides in this format. Many titles have already been printed and are in circulation with the new price. All other $7.95 titles will see the price change as they are reprinted over the next 12-18 months.
So many people get their start in nature study by exploring ponds. These small bodies of calm, standing water are fascinating living laboratories of plant and animal life at all scales, from microscopic algae to iconic birds like Great Blue Herons or ecosystem engineers like Beavers. To better understand how a pond ecosystems functions, it helps to get familiar with its living parts, namely its flora and fauna. The portable reference Pond Life is an excellent tool to bring on your next pond study, as it includes beautiful illustrations of 140 common and familiar birds, mammals, reptiles, amphibians, fishes, insects, and other invertebrates as well as trees, shrubs, and wildflowers. Laminated for durability, this lightweight, waterproof, 12-panel folding pocket guide is the perfect tool for educators, learners, naturalists, botanists, and wildlife enthusiasts to use the next time they go searching for minnows, tadpoles, or dragonfly nymphs at their local pond. Made in the USA.
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Foldout Width 22.25
Height 8.25
UPC 884682016791
ISBN 978-1-58355-214-8
2025 © Waterford Press. All Rights Reserved. Terms of Use.