Bird Feeders and Food

Providing a Safe and Welcoming Habitat in Your Backyard

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So many people’s entry point into the world of birds is through observing the comings and goings at bird feeders. An active feeder setup bursts with color and life and offers up-close study of the intricacies of bird behavior. Never boring, feeders change with the weather, seasons, and time of day—and there’s always the chance of seeing something unexpected. Food selection and feeder placement are key considerations, and this portable reference covers both and much more. Across the 12 panels of this durable resource are tips on food and feeder selection, insights about the importance of grit and how to provide it, as well as an overview of the importance of having various water sources. The section on unwanted visitors and how to discourage them is especially handy. Laminated for durability, this lightweight guide is a comprehensive source of information for educators, learners, naturalists, birders, and homeowners who strive to attract a diverse mix of birds throughout the year. Made in the USA.
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Foldout Width 22.25
Height 8.25
UPC 884682012007
ISBN 978-1-62005-244-0
2025 © Waterford Press. All Rights Reserved. Terms of Use.